windows vista

"Vista" redirects here. For other uses of Vista, see Vista (disambiguation).
Windows Vista
(Part of the Microsoft Windows family)
Windows Vista Ultimate Desktop.png
Display screen of Windows Vista Ultimate
Web site: Official website
Information output
Date issued: RTM: November 8, 2006;
Vol. Lic.: November 30, 2006;
Retail: January 30, 2007 info
Latest version: 6.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) (Build 6002)
(6002.18005.090410-1830 [1])
, April 28, 2009 (2009-04-28), 268 days ago info
Source model: Closed source / Shared source [2]
License: MS-EULA
Kernel type: Hybrid
Update method: Windows Update, Windows Server Updates Services, SCCM
Support platforms: IA-32, x86-64
Status support
Mainstream support

Windows Vista is the latest version of Microsoft Windows, graphical operating system from Microsoft that is used in personal computers (PCs), both for home and business users, the laptop computer, or media center.

Before they were announced with the name of Windows Vista on July 22, 2005, the operating system is better known by his codename Longhorn (derived from the name Longhorn Saloon, a popular bar in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada).

Microsoft launched Windows Vista on November 8, 2006 for business users, and January 30, 2007 for home users. Thus, this release of Windows Vista is more than five years since the release of Windows XP on October 25, 2001.
Features new and updated

Windows Vista has a long list of hundreds of new features, features that changed, and features improved. At this time the list of features is not yet fully published by Microsoft. However, many features will be included in Windows Vista is already introduced by several publications.

Core Technology

Windows Vista is intended to be launched as a technology-based products, as a solid system that includes new technologies a high level. Many of them are technology related to how the system works, who worked behind the scenes and invisible to the end user.

* The development of architecture over the entire audio, print, display screen (display), and the network stack
* IPv6 protocol is also working together with IPv4
* A new security structure, including BitLocker Drive Encryption
* Increased memory capacity and process scheduler manager
* System services included as a separate session and isolated, while the user as a different session.
* Address space layout randomization (ASLR) to prevent a return-to-libc buffer overflow.
* Kernel Transaction Manager enables the new atomic transaction operations across a variety of different objects, especially the file system (Transactional NTFS) and registry operations.
* Deadlock Detection Technology is a new technology that will check the conditions of deadlock (deadlock system) for Windows error reporting.

Technology for Developers

. NET Framework 3.0, formerly WinFX, is a set of technologies that are also intended to be available to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Therefore this technology is not a technology that exclusion only for Vista, but it was designed for Vista development period. The reason for this technology is more easily introduced to the developers and end-user, may be the basis of why Microsoft did na <> technology for the previous operating system.

Microsoft calls the new key technologies in this Windows version as "The Pillars of Vista" (Pillar-Pillar Vista).

* Presentation

Windows Presentation Foundation or WPF, formerly code-named Avalon; is a sub-system of the new user interface and a framework based on technology Direct3D (DirectX) and vector-graphics cooperation between the computer hardware technology, 3D graphics with Direct3D . See also the Windows Graphics Foundation.

* Communication

Windows Communication Foundation or WCF, formerly code-named Indigo; is a system-oriented communication services (service-oriented messaging system) which allows for interoperability programs both locally and remotely similar to a network service (web).

* Workflow

Windows Workflow Foundation or WF; first announced in August 2005, will allow automation and integrated transactions using work-flow (workflows).

There was also a development API (Application Program Interface) in signikan new core operating system, especially the addition. NET Framework, the development of completely new audio architecture, networking, printing (print), and video interfaces, major changes in the security infrastructure , increasing for the installation of application programs ( "ClickOnce" and Windows Installer 4.0), a new model for device drivers ( "Windows Driver Foundation"), Transactional NTFS, and large-scale reform for many sub-core systems such as Winlogon and Capi.

There are several issues for the software delevoper using graphics APIs in Vista. Games and programs built on Direct3D Version 10 of Vista, will not work in earlier versions of Windows, because Direct3D 10 is not compatible with Direct3D 9.

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