New WIndows 7

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Windows 7 or seven windows designed by microsoft that some time ago on display at the Prof
essional Developers Conference a conference for developers. Well, in the event, windows, and at 7 Exhibited ability test. Here are some important points of the test.

More Fast and Stable than Vista

Windows 7 has a more stable performance than windo

ws vista. Seven is also more responsive and more efficient in the use of battery. Although no official statement regarding the minimum specifications to be able to use windows 7, but Steve Sinofsky (Steve Ballmer ass yes ..) states windows 7 only requires a minimum of 1Gb memory allocation alone.

Choosing a Wireless Network with only 1 click from the system tray

Here's one of the significant features of windows 7. More practical steps in selecting a wireless network. Hayoo admit anyone who had been puzzled to connect to a wireless laptop? Control panel must be signed in trouble, go to network connection, and so on before it can connect to wireless networks.

There will be a warning if anything changed with your computer

I have experienced confusion when my brother was 7 years old playing my laptop, and uninstalling programs one I normally use. I'm looking for but not seen. It turned out that already in the uninstall .. Now, windows 7 feature on this one you have to prevent confusion with the problem as I had. System will report if th

ere is a change to your computer. You will get a warning when the system has changed and you can also setting the level of privacy. Ranging from "tell me everything" to "do not tell me squad

Lost Sidebar, Gadgets flying

One of the things that distinguishes windows vista with windows xp is the sidebar. This sidebar contains gadgets-gadgets and accessories for your computer. On windows 7, sidebar is missing. But, gadgets, gadgets remain, free to roam your own

Library will Collecting System with the same Type

I've had problems with my files in My Document messy. I was puzzled to find a file sala coursework that must be gathered. I was forced to look in all folders in my document. Understandably, I forgot where placed. Well, this problem also seems to be understood by the maker windows 7. Their new features include a library that will organize your document according to type. No matter where its location. All the pdf document for example. though it is located in D: / in my Document, or in any location will be organized by the library widows 7.

And .. of course there are many other features available on seven windows. It's just for those of you who have been using MAC or Linux, these features are already there. Gadgets-gadget like the loose, this feature already exists in the MAC (I forget which series was the first to offer this feature).

tips n triks windows

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Tweaking Windows XP
This time the author tried to examine tweaking windows xp simply by loading the purpose or process windows xp faster specs though only a limited use as the authors note book wear.
Other goals for screen reader users loading process windows are also much faster because many use the voice in the work.
Steps in this simple tweaking is:
Sign control panel select sound and audio devices
- Click or use the ctrl + tab select the sound
- Click sound sheme select no sound
Then select a particular sound among others:
- Start windows
- Exit windows
- Windows insert hardware
- Windows remove hardware
- Then save it with another name
Another tip also remove the check mark in allow indexing service to index this disk for fast file loading process serching make the data more quickly, in particular by the following:
- Double click on My Computer
- Then right click local disk imaginable windowsnya
- Select Properties
- Click or ctrl + tab select the general
- Remove the check mark in allow indexing service to index this disk for fast file serching
- Then click ok button and wait a minute
- Ok successful process
This tip will also greatly influence your windows loding process but this author does not recommend using this tip, as for the following steps:
- Right Click my computer
- Select Properties
- Click or ctrl + tab select the system restore
- Remove the check mark Turn Off system restore all hard drives
- Then press the ok
- See hasilnhya loading your computer will be faster

In addition to the above tips and tricks there are some services that may not be necessary we can switch and non-results were also greatly influenced our windows loding process, the following steps:
- Sign in start menu select run
- Type "msconfig"
- Click or ctrl + tab select services
- Remove the check mark on the services need not reply
for example cast by the author as follows:
- Indexing services microsoft corporation
- Fast user switching Compability microsoft corporation
- Help and support microsoft corporation
- Server
- Workstation
- Office source engine
- Automatic update microsoft corporation
- Wireless 0 configuration
When finished clik ok and restart your computer, good luck with a simple tweaking of this article.

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is a program for free, open source under GNU license, 32-64 bit operating system, which is a derivative of Unix and can be run on a variety of hardware platforms ranging from Intel (x86), until the RISC processor. Linux as an open-source programs are free One that makes Linux is famous for free. With the GNU (Gnu Not Unix) you can get the program, complete with source code (source code). Not only that, you are given the right to copy as much as you want, or even change the code that all legal sumbernya.And under license. Although free, GNU license allows a party who wants to charge for duplication and delivery programs. The most important freedom of Linux, especially for programmer and network administrator, is the freedom to derive source code (source code) and the freedom to change it. This has implications for several important things. First security, the two dynamics
Technology / Facilities in Linux

- multitasking: several programs running at once.
- multiuser: several users on the same machine at once (and without the two-user licenses!).
- multiplatform: runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel.
- has memory protection between processes, so that a program can not cause the entire system down.semua source code is available, including the whole kernel and drivers, drivers, development tools and all user programs, and everything is freely available. Many commercial programs available for Linux without source, but all of which come from free, including the entire base operating system, is still free.
- Access to MS-DOS partition (or partitions OS / 2 FAT) that transparently through a special file system: You do not need to use special commands to use MS-DOS partition, the file system looks like Unix in general (except for restrictions on file names strange, licensing, etc.). MS-DOS partition is compressed 6 currently does not work if without the patch (dmsdosfs). VFAT (WNT, Windows 95) can also be used in Linux 2.0.
- special file system and called UMSDOS allows Linux installed on a DOS file system.
- HPFS-2 are read-only support the OS / 2 2.1

Technology / Facilities in Linux

- multitasking: several programs running at once.
- multiuser: several users on the same machine at once (and without the two-user licenses!).
- multiplatform: runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel.
- has memory protection between processes, so that a program can not cause the entire system down.semua source code is available, including the whole kernel and drivers, drivers, development tools and all user programs, and everything is freely available. Many commercial programs available for Linux without source, but all of which come from free, including the entire base operating system, is still free.
- Access to MS-DOS partition (or partitions OS / 2 FAT) that transparently through a special file system: You do not need to use special commands to use MS-DOS partition, the file system looks like Unix in general (except for restrictions on file names strange, licensing, etc.). MS-DOS partition is compressed 6 currently does not work if without the patch (dmsdosfs). VFAT (WNT, Windows 95) can also be used in Linux 2.0.
- special file system and called UMSDOS allows Linux installed on a DOS file system.
- HPFS-2 are read-only support the OS / 2 2.1
- Linux is a free operating system and open. So that it can be said, there is no license fee for buying or using Linux.
- Linux is easy to use.
- Almost all the applications contained in Windows, has been found in the Linux alternative. We can access the web site as Open Source Alternative to obtain sufficient information useful and fairly complete information about alternative Windows applications on Linux.
- Security that is superior to Windows
- Linux is relatively stable. Computers that run on the UNIX operating system is known stable walking without stopping. Linux, which is a variant of UNIX, also inherit this stability.
- Linux has backwards compatibility better (better backward-Compatibilty).


- The installation software / application that is not as easy as in Windows.
- Hardware support from certain vendors that are not too good on Linux

Introducing The Operating System

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Without software is a collection of computer
iron is not useful. With a computer software can be used
to store, process data and get back information that has
been stored, finding errors in the program, play games and use
the many other valuable activities. But before we discuss more abo
ut the computer software particular operating system, first we will discuss
about the Mostly the computer, in order to facilitate us later in the
subject matter we study the problem of operating system / operating system.
The operating system is a liaison between the users of the computer with
computer hardware. Before the operating system, the only using a computer
using analog signals and digital signals. Along with the development of knowledge
and technology, at this time there are various operating systems with their
respective advantages. To better understanding of the operating system then
you should have known in advance some basic concepts about the operating system
itself. Understanding the system general operations management is all the resources
contained in computer systems and provides a set of services (system calls) to users
making it easier and freshen the use and utilization of resources computer system.

Operating system, the main operating system used by the general system of komputers
(including PCs,personal computers) is divided into 3 major groups:
Family Microsoft Windows which among others consists of the Windows Desktop Environment
(version 1।x to version 3।x), Windows 9x (Windows 95, 98, and Windows ME), and Windows nat
(Windows NT 3।x, Windows NT 4।0 , Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Seven) which will be released in the year 2009, and Windows
Orient which will be released in the year 2014))।

Unix family of operating systems using the POSIX interface, such as SCO UNIX, family BSD
(Berkeley Software Distribution), GNU / Linux, MacOS / X (based on a modified BSD kernel,
and known by the name of Darwin) and GNU / Hurd।

Mac OS, the operating system for Apple computers output is commonly called a Mac or Macintosh. The latest operating system is Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger). Beginning in 2007 planned launch of version 10.5 (Leopard).

Meanwhile, Mainframe computers, and Super computers using many different operating systems
are different, usually a derivative of the UNIX operating system developed by vendors such as ibm
AIX, HP / UX, etc॥।Operating systems generally consist of several parts: Boot mechanism,
which is putting the kernel into memory Kernel, which is the core of an Operating System
Command interpreter or shell, which served to read input from the user Library-library,
which provides a collection of basic functions and standards that can be called by other
applications Drivers to interact with external hardware, as well as to control them। Some
operating system only allows one application are running at one time (eg DOS), but most
of the new operating system allows several applications running simultaneously at the same
time। Operating systems like this is called the Multi-tasking Operating System (eg the UNIX
operating system families)। Some Operating Systems are very large and complex, and its
inputs depending on the user input, while the other Operating Systems is very small and made
with the assumption that work without human intervention at all। The first type is often referred
to as a Desktop OS, while the second type is the Real-Time OS