is a program for free, open source under GNU license, 32-64 bit operating system, which is a derivative of Unix and can be run on a variety of hardware platforms ranging from Intel (x86), until the RISC processor. Linux as an open-source programs are free One that makes Linux is famous for free. With the GNU (Gnu Not Unix) you can get the program, complete with source code (source code). Not only that, you are given the right to copy as much as you want, or even change the code that all legal sumbernya.And under license. Although free, GNU license allows a party who wants to charge for duplication and delivery programs. The most important freedom of Linux, especially for programmer and network administrator, is the freedom to derive source code (source code) and the freedom to change it. This has implications for several important things. First security, the two dynamics
Technology / Facilities in Linux

- multitasking: several programs running at once.
- multiuser: several users on the same machine at once (and without the two-user licenses!).
- multiplatform: runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel.
- has memory protection between processes, so that a program can not cause the entire system down.semua source code is available, including the whole kernel and drivers, drivers, development tools and all user programs, and everything is freely available. Many commercial programs available for Linux without source, but all of which come from free, including the entire base operating system, is still free.
- Access to MS-DOS partition (or partitions OS / 2 FAT) that transparently through a special file system: You do not need to use special commands to use MS-DOS partition, the file system looks like Unix in general (except for restrictions on file names strange, licensing, etc.). MS-DOS partition is compressed 6 currently does not work if without the patch (dmsdosfs). VFAT (WNT, Windows 95) can also be used in Linux 2.0.
- special file system and called UMSDOS allows Linux installed on a DOS file system.
- HPFS-2 are read-only support the OS / 2 2.1

Technology / Facilities in Linux

- multitasking: several programs running at once.
- multiuser: several users on the same machine at once (and without the two-user licenses!).
- multiplatform: runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel.
- has memory protection between processes, so that a program can not cause the entire system down.semua source code is available, including the whole kernel and drivers, drivers, development tools and all user programs, and everything is freely available. Many commercial programs available for Linux without source, but all of which come from free, including the entire base operating system, is still free.
- Access to MS-DOS partition (or partitions OS / 2 FAT) that transparently through a special file system: You do not need to use special commands to use MS-DOS partition, the file system looks like Unix in general (except for restrictions on file names strange, licensing, etc.). MS-DOS partition is compressed 6 currently does not work if without the patch (dmsdosfs). VFAT (WNT, Windows 95) can also be used in Linux 2.0.
- special file system and called UMSDOS allows Linux installed on a DOS file system.
- HPFS-2 are read-only support the OS / 2 2.1
- Linux is a free operating system and open. So that it can be said, there is no license fee for buying or using Linux.
- Linux is easy to use.
- Almost all the applications contained in Windows, has been found in the Linux alternative. We can access the web site as Open Source Alternative to obtain sufficient information useful and fairly complete information about alternative Windows applications on Linux.
- Security that is superior to Windows
- Linux is relatively stable. Computers that run on the UNIX operating system is known stable walking without stopping. Linux, which is a variant of UNIX, also inherit this stability.
- Linux has backwards compatibility better (better backward-Compatibilty).


- The installation software / application that is not as easy as in Windows.
- Hardware support from certain vendors that are not too good on Linux

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