operating systems

The development of computer systems that occur in the 21st century is extremely fast. New discoveries in the field of computer technology, hardware and software being discovered and developed. Problems there, too dikehidupan then translated and found the best solution to resolve it and then applied to a computer device so that we can be much easier to solve a problem.
One part of the Computer System is Operating System. Applications that we use, the printing machine works and that we move the cursor freely, basically all handled by the Operating System.
Operating system is software. Hardware requires software to be able to work well. The function of an operating Sisitem is to regulate and organize the hardware and software applications that can work well. Other functions of the operating system is a set of resources available to support the hardware and the application works well and is stable in every condition of different resources.
When the computer first starts, Power On Self Test (POST) will run and check the CPU, memory, device input / output and others to ensure the hardware works fine. After that the hard disk will work and OS will be turned on.
General Operating System task is divided into six categories:
1. Management Processor
2. Memory Management
3. Management device I / O
4. Storage management
5. Application Management
6. User Interface
In the management processor, operating system ensures that every process and application receives enough time for processing the data in the processor to function properly.
In memory management, operating system has the task is that each process must have enough memory to work. Memenej how to use the memory space for a process and use the same memory space or different to other processes.
Management tools are the biggest part of operating system tasks. In memenej devices, Operating Systems supported by special programs called Drivers. Drivers are the communication link between the device and operating system. The current device is extraordinary that require different ways of communication with the device operating system.Therefore, apart from Drivers Operating System so that new functions can be added to the drivers without having to modify the Operating System.
In the application management, operating system allows us to complete a task. We do not need to know the details until the work of the CPU, we simply use the functions that are already contained in the APIs (Application Program Interface).
User Interface is a scheme of how users can interact with the computer. Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the users interface of the most developed at the moment, makes it easy for users to interact with computers.
Developments in the world operating system continues to grow. Starting from commercial operating system such as Windows from Microsoft to Linux operating system is Open Source which can be distributed and developed independently. Products of Microsoft's latest windows continued to release one example at the moment is Windows Vista with various kinds. Give the appearance of graphical user interface (GUI) that is more beautiful. We have also been started even developed a GUI operating system with 3D-Desktop is being developed by Sun Micro Systems.


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